Help & Advice

My garden in January
This may seem such a bleak and miserable time of year, but there’s another way of looking at it. January is not just the start of the calendar year, it’s the chance make a…

My garden in February
February is the month when there are signs of spring. The days are noticeably longer and bulbs are pushing their way through the soil. This year everything has…

My garden in March
Spring is here and I like to think that ‘the madde Marche Hare’, as one 16th century writer put it, is hiding somewhere around the corner, just itching to get all frisky. The…
My garden in April
It’s around this time of year that one of TS Elliot ‘s most famous lines gets an airing: ‘April can be the cruellest month of all’. It may be true for football teams plunging…
My garden in May
That lovely sweet phrase ‘Darling buds of May’ may be a bit optimistic this time around as we’re so far behind this year. Actually it doesn’t only refer to the opening…
My garden in August
This summer has been so glorious it must soon be time to wheel out the old headline beloved of the press in the 1950s, ‘Phew What a Scorcher!’ The only downside of all this…
My garden in December
If as a child you used to love dressing up your Barbie Dolls, December could be the perfect time for you in your garden. This is the month to settle down and snuggle up…